Date | Status | Booking Details | Price |
#13 June 10, 2024 2:00 pm (SAST) 2 Hours |
Unpaid | Jan Truter jan@southcon.co.za 0825626740 South Consulting Location Inside (U-Shape) Add-Ons none Special Requests Ek benodig die lokaal vir n TEAMS vergadering om 14:00 – maksimum 3 mense teenwoordig. Kan ek die 2 uur bespreking begin om 13:30 om seker te maak dat die konnkesie werk? Ek benodig toegang tot: die TV skerm en internet vir data. Sitplek kan so ingerig word dat mens na die TV skerm kan kyk. Laat weet assebleif of so in orde. Sal ook graag n draai wil kom maak vir voorbereiding. |
R300 |
#12 December 4, 2023 10:00 am (SAST) 3 Hours |
Unpaid | Delanie Jooste delanie@djconsult.co.za +27741175743 Delanie Jooste Consulting Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons none Special Requestsnone |
R450 |
#11 November 29, 2023 8:00 am (SAST) Entire Day |
Unpaid | Heilie Van Eeden heilie@katikaconsult.com +27213001456 Katika Consultancy (Pty) Ltd Location Inside (U-Shape) Add-Ons none Special Requests Additional coffee, tea and platter for lunch |
R600 |
#10 November 20, 2023 10:00 am (SAST) 3 Hours |
Unpaid | Georgia Abrahams marketing@bergriviertourism.co.za 0229132063 Bergrivier Tourism Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons none Special Requestsnone |
R450 |
#9 September 27, 2023 9:00 am (SAST) 2 Hours |
Unpaid | Willan van Zyl willan@vodamail.co.za 0824190643 Würth Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons none Special Requests We will be hosting 2 candidates for an interview, so will be 4 ppl in total. |
R300 |
#8 July 4, 2023 8:00 am (SAST) Entire Day |
Unpaid | Behance Julies behance@theinitiative.org.za 0630587653 Initiative for Community Advancement Location Inside (U-Shape) Add-Ons Flip Chart R60 per day Special Requestsnone |
R660 |
#7 June 12, 2023 8:00 am (SAST) Entire Day |
Unpaid | Bongi Mshiywa bongim@rohloffgroup.co.za 0847770137 Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons none Special Requestsnone |
R600 |
#6 June 9, 2023 9:00 am (SAST) 6 Hours |
Unpaid | Delanie Jooste delanie@djconsult.co.za +27741175743 Delanie Jooste Consulting Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons Flip Chart R60 per day Special Requestsnone |
R660 |
#5 June 27, 2023 8:00 am (SAST) 1 Hour |
Unpaid | Carel van Niekerk 1carelvn2008@gmail.com 0634003431 P Location Inside (Classroom) Add-Ons none Special Requestsnone |
R150 |
#4 June 20, 2023 8:00 am (SAST) Entire Day |
Unpaid | Razeen Winlock razeen@bolandsuper.co.za 0625109050 Boland Superspar Location Inside (Boardroom) Add-Ons none Special Requestsnone |
R600 |
Date | Status | Booking Details | Price |
#3 June 2, 2023 11:00 am (SAST) 1 Hour |
Paid | Louis Louis louis@bowstudio.co.za 0795205860 BOW Studios Location Outside Add-Ons Flip Chart R60 per day Special Requests This is a test |
R210 |
#2 June 8, 2023 9:00 am (SAST) 1 Hour |
Paid | Louis Louis louis@bowstudio.co.za 0795205860 BOW Studios Location Inside (U-Shape) Add-Ons Flip Chart R60 per day Special Requests This is a test |
R210 |
#1 June 8, 2023 9:00 am (SAST) 2 Hours |
Paid | Louis Louis louis@bowstudio.co.za 0795205860 BOW Studios Location Inside (Classroom) Add-Ons Flip Chart R60 per day Special Requests Test |
R360 |